111 Places in Palm Beach That You Must Not Miss (111 Places in .... That You Must Not Miss)

111 Places in Palm Beach That You Must Not Miss (111 Places in .... That You Must Not Miss)

[tex] \colorbox{black}{ \pink{ \boxed{ \boxed {\rm{quiz \: by : \: putri}}}}} \\ \\ \frac{9}{8} + 3 \frac{5}{7} = [/tex]

note ; -

[tex] \colorbox{black}{ \pink{ \boxed{ \boxed {\rm{quiz \: by : \: putri}}}}} \\ \\ \frac{9}{8} + 3 \frac{5}{7} = [/tex]

note ; -

[tex] \frac{9}{8} + 3 \frac{5}{7} [/tex]

[tex] = 3 + (\frac{9}{8} + \frac{5}{7} )[/tex]

[tex] = 3 + ( \frac{63 + 40}{56} )[/tex]

[tex] = 3 + \frac{103}{56} [/tex]

[tex] = 3 + 1 \frac{47}{56} [/tex]

[tex] = 4 \frac{47}{56} [/tex]


[tex]\frac{9}{8} + 3 \frac{5}{7} = \frac{9}{8} + \frac{26}{7} = \frac{63 + 208}{56} = \frac{271}{56} = 4 \frac{47}{56} [/tex]

semoga membantu (:
